
I had a great time photographing the Tramway Family Day on Sunday.  It was in association with the British Art Show 7 and my highlights were Sprog Rock (by Starcatchers) which is a rock show for little people and the amazing sculptures that were on show.  I really enjoyed framing my photos around the sculptures, it was such a massive space so it made framing the little people very interesting.  Anyway, it went a little something like this…


Sorry about the lack of updates!  Wedding season is in full swing and you can see how that is going over here on my wedding blog.

I have also be doing non-wedding stuff as well!  Here are two commissions that I want to share with you…

It was a pleasure to shoot some shots of the very talented Rosalind Masson practicing for her creative dance piece called Our Oceans are Drowning which will be shown at the Edinburgh Festival (I will update this when I have actual dates)…

The second is an opera creates by the most excellent Noise Opera.  “Opera, but not as you know it…” is there tag line and it is certainly true!  In this show they took over all of the famous Sloans pub in Glasgow and whisked the crowd about the 3 floors of the historic pub.  I didn’t know what to expect and I was blown away!  A lot of research was put into this and the numerous stories told by Noise Opera were taken from regular visitors to the pub.  I hope it returns soon so you can get a chance to see it…


I thought I would share a couple of shots from the Miaoux Miaoux photoshoot I done recently.

Check out his awesome tunes at www.miaouxmiaoux.com



I thought I would share this photo I took while covering ‘Thinking Through Cinema’ because I really like it!  Completely candid shot of a lady checking out an art installation.  Click on the image to view it, and then click on it again for full size.

Best Wishes,



I am working with Visible Fictions on an exciting 12 hour photo marathon!

“We are Visible Fictions, and we love stories.  Our production of Clockwork is all about stories; stories that are powerful, stories that make time stand still, stories that come alive!

We invite you to upload your story of a day in picture form.  Join us on the 21stMay in Aberdeen for the 12 Hour Photo Marathon and create your story by uploading a photo on the hour every hour from 8am to 8pm.  A selection of your photos will be displayed before the performance of Clockwork at the Lemontree, 2-4 June 2011.

In the meantime, start your marathon training and upload your snaps that tell us how your day is going on our 12 Hour Photo Marathon Aberdeen (Clockwork)fan page on Facebook.”

I am going to be working as the official photographer on the day but also I am working on promoting the event on the run up to the big day!  Please help me out by liking the  fan page on Facebook.

Anyway, I thought I would give it a trial run and it is not as easy as the description may suggest.  I really enjoyed stopping each hour and having a look around for a photo.

This is my Sunday, from 10am to 10pm…



As part of the coverage of the Young Quality Scot Awards 2011 in DG1 in Dumfries I covered the awesome and slightly weird (in the best possible way!) Circus of Horrors.

Best Wishes,




What a day I had at the Tramway Family Day: John Cage Musicircus 2.  With 2103 people coming through the Tramway door for this fabulous free interactive celebration of music.

I am not very good at reviewing events in words so I will let you look at my photos to get a taste of the day but if you have a little person in your life it would be simply cruel to not take them along to the next Tramway Family Day!

A big shout out to Rosemary James, the Tramway staff, the performers and everyone who came along for making this such a joy to photograph.

If you’re featured in these photos or noticed me taking a photo that you would like a copy of please send me an email at Neil[at]NeilThomasDouglas.com and I will get you a free copy.

In other news I have updated my wedding website with a new blog and new photos in the gallery section, please check it out at www.AndDoYouTake.com

Best Wishes,





As you may know by now I am the official photographer for Starcatchers who put on truly remarkable shows on for children.

Today I took photographs of Ice Pole, an installation by Kate Wilson at The Tramway.

It was amazing to see the kids get so immersed in the show, and it went a little something like this…



It has been a great week for me!  Below are pictures of my latest published work of which I am very proud of.

The first is on the front cover of Glasgow Tramway’s January to March 2011 brochure which means a lot to me as I love working at their Family Days.  The next Family Day is going to be a fantastic and you can read more about it here.

The second is in  Alan Bissett’s latest book, The Moria Monologues which was released by the new and very exciting Cargo Publishing.

Big thanks to the Tramway, Rosemary, Cargo Publishing and Alan.




Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been rather busy!

I thought I would share some of the production shots from Greg Sinclair’s Ditto.

“Composed as a direct response to a research study in three Edinburgh primary schools, Ditto is the culmination of Greg Sinclair’s artist residency with Imaginate.”

It was an excellent show and the kids were rocking out to every beat of the drum by the end of it!



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